Due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, no meetings were held in 2020/21.
Parent Forum is great opportunity for parents’ to share their perspectives on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision at our school. This platform enables us to gather and record and wherever possible, action your views to improve our school and the experience your child/ren have during their time with us.
Regular, open communication and consultation is highly valued here at St Hardulph’s. The parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents/carers and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. It facilitates communication between parents/carers and staff and governors. The forum works to provide feedback on provision, offer a parent's perspective on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision. This takes place by regular communication with parents/carers and ensuring a diverse forum membership and representation of views.
Main Aims
The forum is not in place to address specific concerns about an individual child or issues relating to individual members of staff. Parents/carers who need to discuss these issues should approach their class teacher or the Headteacher.
Key Responsibilities of Parent Forum Members
Meetings and reporting
Due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, no meetings were held in 2020/21.
Parent Forum is great opportunity for parents’ to share their perspectives on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision at our school. This platform enables us to gather and record and wherever possible, action your views to improve our school and the experience your child/ren have during their time with us.
Regular, open communication and consultation is highly valued here at St Hardulph’s. The parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents/carers and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. It facilitates communication between parents/carers and staff and governors. The forum works to provide feedback on provision, offer a parent's perspective on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision. This takes place by regular communication with parents/carers and ensuring a diverse forum membership and representation of views.
Main Aims
The forum is not in place to address specific concerns about an individual child or issues relating to individual members of staff. Parents/carers who need to discuss these issues should approach their class teacher or the Headteacher.
Key Responsibilities of Parent Forum Members
Meetings and reporting