Request for Term-Time Absence Form
By way of prior notice of the changes, the local authority has requested that we share the following information:
"For unauthorised leave of absence from August 2024, Penalty Notices will increase to £160 per parent per child (discounted to £80 if paid within 21 days). If there is occasion to issue a second Penalty Notice for unauthorised leave of absence within a rolling 3-year period, it will be issued at the higher rate of £160 per parent per child, with no opportunity to pay at the lower level. A Penalty Notice cannot be issued if there is a third occasion of unauthorised leave of absence in the rolling 3-year period and it is highly likely that the local authority will take direct prosecution action in the Magistrates’ Court.
If your child has unauthorised leave of absence of 5 days of more prior to the end of the summer term in 2024 it is likely you will be issued with a Penalty Notice of £120 per parent per child (discounted to £60 if paid within 21 days."
Penalty Notices for unauthorised absences: What you need to know about the changes.
Behaviour Policy (including Anti-Bullying and Exclusion) 2024/25
Statement of Behaviour Principles 2024/25
Charging & Remissions Policy 2022-2025
Children with Health Needs that cannot attend School Policy 24/25
Child Protection Policy 2024/25
Child on Child Abuse Policy 2024/25
Children Missing Education 2024/25
Prevent Self-Evaluation September 2024
Executive Summary of Key Principles for Staff & Parents 2023/24
Early Career Teacher Policy 2024/25
Equality Policy 2022-25 & Objectives 23-24
Freedom of Information Policy 2021-2024
GDPR (Data Protection Policy - March 2021 update)
Intimate Care including Toileting Policy 2024/25
Low Level Concerns Policy 2023-2025
Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy 2023-24
Phonics and Early Reading Information
Positive Handling Policy 2023-26
Special Educational Needs & Disability (S.E.N.D.)
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2024/25