Children can experience a Special Educational Need at any point in their school career. The 1981 Education Act placed the onus on Governors to ensure that the Special Educational Needs of children in the school are being met. The 1988 Education Act established the principle of entitlement of all children to a balanced and broadly based curriculum. All teachers have responsibility for addressing the special needs of their pupils working in partnership with parents.
In all cases, teachers will inform parents if they have a concern about a child's lack of progress and discuss the situation with them. This will be conducted through agreed school systems. It may be that the child will be placed on our Special Educational Needs record. We will always endeavour to maintain excellent communication with parents.
Should you have a concern about your child we ask that in the first instance you contact your child's class teacher who may then refer you onto our SENDCO.
Our SENCO is - Mrs Lisa Russell
Our SEND link Governor is - Mrs Catherine Brown
Further details can be found in our SEND Policy, our SEND Information Report and the Leicestershire SEND Local Offer.